4321 (2010) (2010) фильм. триллер, комедия

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Critical reception

The film has received mixed reviews from critics. On film review website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has garnered nine fresh reviews and sixteen negative reviews, giving the film an overall rotten 36% rating from critics.

Peter Bradshaw from British newspaper The Guardian and Wendy Idle from The Times both gave the film a negative review. Bradshaw said the film is «all over the place», also deeming that the acting is on the «torpid side», and Idle believed the film «might just claim back a small corner of the multiplex audience from the relentless onslaught of cynical Hollywood garbage» and described the film as «mostly» bad.


The story focuses on four 19-year-old friends: Joanne, Cassandra, Shannon and Kerrys. They all meet one other at a diner, where they see Dillon and Smoothy. Unbeknownst to Dillon, Shannon has a crush on him. As the police turn up, Dillon and Smoothy run off and Dillon accidentally drops a stolen diamond into Cassandra’s bag. The four girls then walk out and go their separate ways home.

First, the story focuses on Shannon: she walks into her home just as her mother is leaving her father. She loses her temper and runs away, going to Jo’s home, who has to rush to work, telling her she does not have time to talk. Jo calls Shannon over to the supermarket where she works, but tells her to leave as soon as she arrives. When she refuses, Dillon kisses Jo, upsetting Shannon, whom he asked out earlier in the day, so she grabs a Pringles tube from the shop and runs away.

After getting drunk at a bar, she goes to a tunnel where she sprays graffiti on the wall, is attacked by a gang and then taken in by Kelly, who saved her. Shannon realizes that Kelly seems to be looking for the Pringles. This is later confirmed when she finds out that she is searching for «15 diamonds». One is already in Cassandra’s bag and the rest are in the can that fell out of Shannon’s bag in the tunnel. She escapes by knocking Kelly out with the bathroom door. She finds the diamonds by going back to where she was attacked, and leaves a message informing Jo about them. Later, Shannon tracks down her mother and accuses her of not caring about her, especially when she forced her to get an abortion. Her story ends with her holding the diamonds above a bridge, suggesting she is about to commit suicide. Jo, Cassandra and Kerrys appear to threaten Shannon into handing the diamonds over.

She goes to Brett’s house to find that Brett is a stalker who hacked into Cassandra’s computer, taking videos of her. When the fake Brett comes, she knocks him out and erases the footage and proceeds to take photos of his genitals as revenge but he escapes and chases her down the street where she is rescued by a black woman and her family, who do not take kindly to Brett’s racist comments. Cassandra forces her way into an impromptu audition with Jago Larofsky and wins a place at his school. She then leaves to go home to London, telling Jo she knows where Shannon is.

Third, the story of Kerrys is explored. After witnessing her brother Manuel receive a package with instructions from Dillon and Smoothy, Kerrys and her girlfriend Jas break into Cassandra’s flat and stay there for the weekend. Manuel locks them in the panic room, returns the package to Dillon and Smoothy as instructed and throws a party. When the two girls escape from the panic room, they angrily force everyone out of the flat. Kerrys goes home and finds Shannon’s mother’s letter that Cassandra had sent her. After making amends with her father, she steals Manuel’s new car to find Shannon and stuffs him into the trunk, but when he tries to attack her, she crashes the car into Jo’s shop.

Fourth, Jo, who works at a 24-hour supermarket with Angelo, finds that her new manager Tee is in town, and begins to become suspicious of his intentions. It later emerges that Tee has been working with Dillon and Smoothy to deliver the diamonds, but one is missing. Tee asks Dillon and Smoothy to come over to the supermarket. Dillon and Smoothy come to get the money, when they find that Tee has betrayed them, keeping the money for himself and they hold up the store in retaliation.

When Shannon arrives, Jo tries to make her leave and Dillon kisses Jo, whom unseen to Shannon, is at gunpoint. Shannon leaves, stealing a tube of Pringles, and Dillon and Smoothy escape, leaving Tee with the 14 diamonds, which Tee had hidden in the tube of Pringles that Shannon stole. The next day, Jo realizes that Shannon has the diamonds, and when Tee is about to be shot by Kelly, Jo rescues him before Kerrys crashes Manuel’s car into the shop. Jo helps Kerrys escape and leaves a note and a DVD implicating Tee, but when he tries to run, Angelo attacks him and Tee is then arrested by the police.

Cassandra returns with the last diamond. She meets Jo and Kerrys and they go to find Shannon. They talk her down and give her the letter, comforting her. They put the 15 diamonds together, give them to the police and fly to New York City with Kelly also on the plane.

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Огромная аудитория наших зрителей с удовольствием смотрит фильмы, снятые во времена СССР, а также телеспектакли и эстрадные выступления известных артистов того времени. Детям и их родителям тоже есть, что посмотреть: мультфильмы и детские фильмы широко представлены в нашем онлайн-кинотеатре. Полноценные обзоры фильмов на плохое и хорошее, записи и интересные моменты со съёмок фильмов, интервью с известными актёрами тоже позволят расширить кругозор и узнать последние новости из мира кино. Музыка и музыкальные клипы разных времён и исполнителей позволят вам создать именно ту атмосферу, в которой вы хотите быть в настоящий момент. И, конечно же, юмор — поднимите себе настроение, посмотрев выступления популярных комиков, различные розыгрыши и весёлые пранки.

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REVIEWS Audience

** ½  Lorenzo von Matterhorn | Super Reviewer

4 Girls, 3 Days, 2 Cities, 1 Chance…..» . While Jo (Roberts) is chained down in a dead end supermarket job, her friends are all out on their own separate adventures: Cassandra (Egerton) is jetting off to New York to meet her Internet boyfriend; Kerrys (Warren-Markland) is on a one woman crusade fighting for female liberation and Shannon (Lovibond) is on a one way trip to meet her maker.


** Luke Baldock | Super Reviewer

A generic and immature offering. The film is entertaining, if you can slide aside some terrible performances. It’s something a teenager would write after watching Lock,Stock…, Pulp Fiction and GO!. Those fast paced crime films reveled in their daft dialogue, awesome soundtrack choices, and large ensembles. Unfortunately, seems as though nobody read the thing before making it. The huge amount of coincidences do nothing but cheapen the film. As the four stories are revealed, some seem to have nothing to do with anything, while others have so much going on it’s impossible to give a fudge. Why did I need to see the story about a girl going to New York, being tricked into sex, etc. I don’t know. Other than it opening up some American locales and bizarre Kevin Smith/Mandy Patenkin roles appearances. I don’t mind a few «What are the odds?» moments in my movies, but this film is dependent on them. In a true sign of incompetent writing, every time the film hits a dead end, a lucky coincidence kicks the story down the road. If you stick films on and don’t intend to think about it ever again, then you should watch this. It can be a bit infuriating for others.


Dean McKenna | Super Reviewer

The heist happens off screen. The diamonds sparkle for seconds. is as much about a crime, really, as Citizen Kane is about sledding. Yes, it’s an effective thriller, but slickly sliced and whip-paced as it is, the movie is powered by character, and that’s what makes it work. Co-directing from his own script and co-starring as the nefarious Tee, Noel Clarke provides the same pungent sense of place and people he gave his latest movie council-estate combo. His scope is broader, through, mixing nationalities, classes and motivations. Beyond that, this is a great London movie. One story-strand may take place in the Big Apple, but everything comes home to Big Ben’s Town — captured as chaotic, glorious, ugly and sweet.


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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: