Final score: 70/100


Blood And Genma

It’s pretty miserable to be an Onimusha fan these days. Capcom has neglected the franchise, with the last major entry being 2006’s Onimusha Dawn Of Dreams and that was a whopping 17 years ago. Almost two decades later, we finally get something new in the form of Netflix’s Onimusha anime. For fans of the games, let me first clarify (without spoiling anything), that Netflix’s Onimusha isn’t connected to any of the previous games. It features an essentially standalone story with new characters that have never appeared in the franchise before, which makes it more accessible for those who have never played the games. That being said, Netflix’s Onimusha does have some easter eggs and references that will make fans happy, especially seeing how long it’s been since fans have seen any of these familiar Onimusha elements in anything new.

Netflix’s Onimusha is helmed by supervising director Takashi Miike and director Shinya Sugai, as well as animation studio Sublimation. The influences of the legendary Takashi Miike are clear from the very first episode. We’re talking about the guy who directed Ichi The Killer and Audition, movies that are still known for how bloody and gory they are. That’s probably the best thing about Netflix’s Onimusha, in that it doesn’t hold back from depicting decapitations, amputations and lots of blood. However, none of it is too visceral to the point of being disgustingly excessive. Still, this series is clearly tailored for adults just like the games (even though a lot of gamers, including myself, played the games when we were kids).

What carries Netflix’s Onimusha (besides the aforementioned blood and gore) is definitely its action and fight scenes. Some fans might be turned off by the CG 3D animation of the series but Sublimation impressed me with their animation quality. The background and characters are detailed, and they don’t look cheap or stilted at all, which is an issue a lot of other CD 3D anime suffer from. Best of all though, are the epic and stylish choreographed fight scenes with smooth animation to boot. If you like elaborate swordfights between samurai, you should watch

This anime is set in the early Edo Period in Japan, and the protagonist is none other than the historical figure Musashi Miyamoto. With only eight episodes with a runtime of about 30 minutes or less each, Netflix’s Onimusha doesn’t have any fluff or filler episodes, but like I previously mentioned, it also doesn’t bother explaining basic things. For instance, Musashi gets his power from the Oni Gauntlet, and he fights demons called the Genma, but the series doesn’t tell you anything about the Oni and the Genma. That’s both a pro and a con. For fans, the series doesn’t waste time telling them what they already know, though casual viewers might find the details lacking. However, the narrative and plot of Netflix’s Onimusha are compelling enough that it kept me interested for all eight episodes. It’s not too exciting, but it’s not boring either. The supporting cast of characters is great too, but since Takashi Miike is involved, there are a lot of tragic deaths here and it surprised me how much I care for the characters, considering how little time I spent with them.

Стоит ли смотреть Онимушу?

Прошло несколько дней с момента дебюта Онимуши на Netflix, и дело пошло волны в Твиттере и на сайте Rotten Tomatoes с рейтингом аудитории 86 %.

Оценка Кейт Санчес на 6,5 из 10 из журнала ButWhy Tho? Сообщество компьютерных фанатов, она говорит: «Онимуша — это аниме, которое предлагает звездное повествование по проторенной дороге, со странными вариантами анимации, оставляя позади те части сериала, которые не являются динамичными».

Зарегистрируйтесь в Dexerto бесплатно и получите: Меньше рекламы|Темный режим|Специальные предложения в сфере игр, телепередач, фильмов и технологий

По сравнению с журналом Slant Magazine критик Нив М. Султан дал сериалу оценку 3/4, немного лучше. В своем обзоре он сказал, что «под ярким и свирепым действием сериала скрывается удивительно трогательная эмоциональная основа».

А как насчет Твиттера?

Поклонникам потребовалось некоторое время, чтобы понять это, возможно, из-за постоянного притока новых шоу Netflix. Однако теперь они начали делиться своим восторгом по поводу этой серии, причем многие отмечают впечатляющие боевые сцены и анимацию.

Onimusha is another successful adaptation for Netflix

If it weren’t in such esteemed company, it’d be easier to laud Onimusha. But it falls a little below stuff like Castlevania and this year’s spin-off Castlevania: Nocturne, both, like Captain Laserhawk, by Adi Shankar. It’s real good, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also not quite as good as some of its contemporaries or even, for that matter, as it could be.

Nevertheless, Onimusha is a good reminder that, yes, it is indeed possible to adapt a video game to the big or small screen. Animating it seems a reliable solution, but we mustn’t forget about The Last of Us either. The days of dreck like Uncharted might be gone, and we’ll all be better off if they are.

What did you think of Netflix’s Onimusha Season 1? Let us know in the comments.


  • Onimusha Season 1 Ending Explained
  • Onimusha Season 2: Everything We Know
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Analysis and Review

Onimusha anime brings back the nostalgic memories of many people around the world. The anime is the adaptation of an old game. It also focuses on supernatural elements which bring a lot of thrill to viewers.

Onimusha shows how a cold-blooded samurai like Musashi also possesses a soft heart as he saves the girl named Sayo and puts himself in trouble.

Greed also plays the main role in the anime. As Sayo, a young girl finds a piece of gold, the entire village fights over to get it, which ultimately leads to a skirmish among the villagers. A lot of people were killed in that skirmish.

Lemon’s greed to take control of the gold mine and use villagers for his interest leads him to a rogue and traitor from being a skilled and trustworthy samurai.

From which game, Onimusha anime has been adapted?

Onimusha anime has been adapted from the series of video games namely Onimusha, which was developed and published by Capcom.

Концовка аниме «Онимуса»: Миямото Мусаси погибает в бою

Сасаки Кодзиро и Мусаси сражаются друг с другом в разрушающейся шахте (изображение с помощью сублимации)

Поклонники знают о силах, которые перчатка Они дала легендарному фехтовальщику во время этого завоевания, а также о том, что она также могла поймать в ловушку души Генмы. Сверхъестественным способностям Лемона можно было противостоять только с помощью этой перчатки, которая сыграла важную роль в конце сериала.

Финальная битва происходила между Сасаки Кодзиро, воскресшим из мертвых, используя силы Генмы, и Миямото Мусаси. Иемон, который был главным антагонистом, был обездвижен Сасаки Кодзиро, поскольку он хотел беспрепятственно сразиться с Миямото Мусаси.

В этот момент главный герой аниме «Онимуса» превратился в демона, поскольку он потерял свою человеческую сторону после непрерывных сражений и убийств людей. Но Сайо, единственный выживший в деревне и попутчик, вернул себе человеческую сторону.

Битва между Кодзиро и Мусаси продолжалась, и они рисковали своими жизнями. Завершение битвы не было показано в аниме. Шахта, где шел бой, во время их боя обрушилась. В следующем кадре Сайо была замечена идущей, и она заметила звук мощного взрыва и дым, наполняющий воздух.

Видно, как Сайо молится, когда понимает, что Мусаси мертв (Изображение посредством сублимации)

Это было явным признаком того, что, несмотря на результаты боя, и Саски Кодзиро, и Миямото Мусаси погибли в результате обрушения шахты. Именно поэтому Сайо посмотрел в их сторону и помолился.

Сайо знала, что больше не сможет его увидеть, и люди часто молились за своих дорогих усопших. К концу Onimusha аниме, перчатка была возвращена монаху согласно его инструкциям. Однако Сайо сделал это анонимно.

Одинокая снежинка падает на перчатку Они (изображение с помощью сублимации)

Монах, который держал перчатку Они, заявил, что она стала намного тяжелее. Это указание на все души, которые Миямото Мусаси захватил во время своего завоевания.

Одинокая снежинка мягко упала на центр перчатки, шокировав державшего ее монаха. Это была прекрасная сцена, поскольку она означала благодарность легендарного фехтовальщика монаху и перчатке, которая помогла ему достичь своей цели и стать лучшим фехтовальщиком.

Сценарий заключительной сцены был весьма поэтичным. Использование единственной снежинки, падающей на перчатку, придало эмоциональное содержание, которого ожидали от аниме «Онимуса».

Следите за новостями аниме и манга новости по ходу 2023 года.

A Stereotypical Samurai Story

For those familiar with the Onimusha franchise, the anime adaptation may come across as a stereotypical samurai action series. The first episode pays homage to the classic “Seven Samurai” and subsequently delves into every trope one would expect from a samurai tale. It also tips its hat to various other foundational works within the genre. The anime’s connection to the video game series is remarkably generic, with interchangeable terms such as “Oni” and “Genma.” The absence of beloved Genma characters leaves us with standard zombies, monsters, and resurrected samurai.

Standard Execution

While not every series needs to revolutionize a genre, Onimusha falls short of setting itself apart. It primarily relies on fight choreography to distinguish itself, and this is where it shines. Each action sequence is characterized by its grit and fluidity, thanks in part to the involvement of renowned action director Takashi Miike. While it doesn’t delve into the extreme violence seen in “Ichi the Killer,” it offers a mature and visceral experience beyond the norm in anime. Moments, where characters’ flesh is charred to the point of exposed muscle pulsations, contribute to the series’ unique visual impact.

A Casualty-Rich Narrative

Onimusha is unafraid to kill off its characters, setting a tone of unpredictability. However, this strength becomes a weakness as viewers are not given enough time to develop a strong emotional attachment to the characters. The series predominantly focuses on Musashi, relegating other characters to the background. This lack of character development reaches a point where it’s easier to remember them by their voice actors rather than their names and personalities. The English dub features a talented cast, but they are limited by the material at their disposal.

The Growing Monotony

As the series progresses, it becomes evident that Onimusha is content with being a standard samurai story. It fails to offer any truly gripping or unique elements. The heavy reliance on CGI results in stiff character movements when not engaged in combat. The series makes a rare foray into comedy in the sixth episode, featuring an antagonist who borders on being cartoonishly over-the-top, with animation that might as well have included cartoon sound effects. While this injects some humor, it doesn’t enhance the series’ overall visual appeal.

Missed Opportunities and a Lackluster Plot

Despite binge-watching the series, it’s challenging to recall significant plot points or standout moments. A twist hinted at in the first episode remains largely unexplored, and the series wraps up without addressing it satisfactorily. Onimusha misses numerous opportunities to elevate the series into something special, a potential disappointment for both newcomers and longtime fans.

A Frustrating Complacency

In conclusion, Onimusha is not a bad series, but it is far from remarkable. Its exploration of themes like war, honor, and humanity barely scratches the surface. The series remains within its comfort zone and offers a plot that can be followed without much attention. By the end of the first episode, the general tone and direction of the series are already evident, leading to a loss of interest in subsequent episodes. In an industry that constantly strives to set new standards, Onimusha’s complacency is frustrating. While not a devoted fan of the series, it’s evident that Onimusha fans deserve a more compelling adaptation than what this anime provides.

Read More: Review On Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name

О чем Онимуша?

Восьмисерийный сериал, снятый совместно легендарным режиссером Шинья Сугаем, известным по фильмам «Догма дракона» (2020) и «13 убийц Такаши Миике», действие восьмисерийного сериала происходит в начале периода Эдо в Японии и фокусируется на легендарном самурае Миямото Мусаси (озвучивает Акио). Оцука), когда он отправляется на эпическую секретную миссию.

Но какова его миссия? Согласно официальному синопсису Netflix, с демоническим оружием в руках легендарный фехтовальщик и самурай Миямото Мусаси пытается победить кровожадное восстание зомби. Так что можно с уверенностью сказать, что это исторический сериал со сверхъестественным уклоном.

Сохраняя верность оригинальной серии Capcom Onimusha, которая дебютировала в 2001 году и послужила источником вдохновения для компьютерного фильма 2006 года Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, аниме разворачивается в период Сэнгоку с дополнительными сверхъестественными элементами.

Коджи Эндо, известный своей работой над «Невероятные приключения ДжоДжо: Алмаз несокрушимый», является композитором музыки для сериала, а Сётику, известный своей ролью в «Стальной алхимик: Священная звезда Милоса», известен за обеспечение исторического надзора. . Это гарантирует, что в аниме сохраняется аутентичная историческая атмосфера, которая уже порадовала поклонников по всему миру.

Plot of Onimusha Anime

Onimusha begins with a man who is surrounded by eleven skilled men. They fight the man and the man emerges as triumphant. His name is Miyamoto Musashi, a famous swordsman, who never has lost a single fight in infinite duels. He even defeated three Yoshioka brothers which ahead, gave him tremendous fame.

It is revealed that Musashi has fought the eleven for a challenge to procure a certain box. He gets the box as promised for thirty-three days. To ensure the respect of the deadline, a disciple named Kaizen is sent with him, so to bring back the box after the given time.

The box contains some oni gauntlet which would give Musashi tremendous supernatural power. Musashi joins a group of people for a mission. The Mission is to defeat a rebel scout named Lemon.

With the help of Genma’s evil power ( Genma once had wiped out the Oni box), Lemon was able to kidnap an entire village and keep them at work in a gold mine. To ensure the availability of weapons to fight his enemies, Lemon was the only one to have access to the mine.

On his hunt, Musashi has the company of a skilled swordsman named Matsuki Kensuke. They also had the company of Lemon’s discipline named Gensai. Gensai would give them knowledge about Lemon’s fight tactics.

Upon reaching the mine, Musashi was shocked to see three Yoshioka brothers as he had already killed them in the past, however, they were reanimated by Lemon with the help of Genma’s power. Musashi defeats them once again but in the battle, Kaizen gets killed. Before Kaizen dies, he hands over his responsibility of the box to another monk named Sahei.

Sahei saves the girl named Sayo. Sayo was the sole survivor of the Village which was previously attacked by Lemon. In the past, Sayo once had found gold in a mine, to get that piece of gold, a riot took place among the villagers. The Lemon was sent there to solve the problem, he however fell for greed and became a rebel and took over the mine. Amidst that, Lemon killed many villagers and manh became his slave. Sayo was the only survivor. This is how Lemon became a rogue.

Lemon planned to create a fierce army to save Japan from upcoming troubles. Lemon created another demon named Sasaki to fight Musashi. Sasaki was also killed by Musashi, to take revenge against Musashi, Sasaki ist cuts the limbs of Lemon to fight Musashi without any order or hindrance.

Musashi uses his box and becomes an Onimusha, Onimusha referred to as a powerful beast to fight demons. Onimusha can seldom lose his consciousness and can attack his people. Musashi kills Sasaki but he still is in the form of Onimusha. Sayo somehow manages to turn Musashi back into a normal human.

Onimusha Cast от Netflix

В актерский состав «Онимуши» входит отмеченный наградами ветеран озвучки Акио Оцука, известный по «Призраку в доспехах», в роли главного героя Мусаси Миямото. А также Ая Ямане из «Атаки Титанов» и Казуюки Окицу из «Невероятных приключений» ДжоДжо.

Остальные японские актеры следующие:

Английская версия актерского состава, включая Алена Месу из Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, выглядит следующим образом:

Итак, вот и все, что мы знаем на данный момент о новом оригинальном сериале Netflix «Онимуша». Хотя ходят слухи, что в разработке может быть новая видеоигра, на данный момент никаких подробностей не разглашается.

Оставайтесь с нами, потому что мы будем обновлять эту страницу новой информацией, как только она будет опубликована. А пока посмотрите «Онимуша», который сегодня транслируется исключительно на Netflix.

Почему бы не посмотреть другие репортажи об аниме ниже?

Onimusha Season 1 Review and Plot Summary

Set during the Warring States period of Japan – historical supervision was handled by Shochiku Studio – and following the exploits of jaded samurai Miyamoto Musashi, who has the likeness of Toshihiro Mifune, Onimusha is a demon-slashing, gore-soaked good time for the most part. In action, it’s near-peerless, but quibbles with an inconsistent animation style will be a turn-off for some.

Conceptually, the show follows the game closely enough. This isn’t a historical story, per se, but a supernatural horror, with Japan being littered with demons and other such nasties that aging Musashi is on the hunt for with the help of a mythical Oni Gauntlet. Can he wipe out the evil in the land before the evil inside himself – always the way, isn’t it? – consumes him?

This key narrative thrust is, it turns out, a little beside the point. Onimusha opens with an action sequence and can barely go five minutes at a time without providing another. It might not be the most sophisticated approach but it becomes clear quickly that it’s the right one nonetheless, since Miike’s supervision and the stunt coordination by Keiji Tsujii render the fisticuffs with a great deal of style.

Sometimes, it must be said, a little too much style. The main pushback against the series will inevitably be its often poorly-justified blend of 2D and 3D animation, with CG rendering intended to bolster the hand-drawn stuff but occasionally detracting from it. The combination of both styles often feels arbitrary. Where Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix, also from this year, played with visual styles and gimmicks to evoke very specific concepts or eras of gaming history, Onimusha gets fancy on a whim, and it’s easy to wish it didn’t.

This inconsistent implementation is trying at best and actively annoying at worst, though when it comes off well you can almost see a justification for it. Nonetheless, if Onimusha secures a second season, which it might, I’d prefer it not to do this at all.

It’s especially galling since the 2D stuff is beautiful, and could do all the heavy lifting on its own if it was allowed to. Franchise fans will be pleased that the anime has captured its soaring background beauty, but also the unpleasant nastiness of its monstrosities. Almost all of the show’s efforts to play on nostalgia are to be found in bloody dismemberments and screaming horrors, and, well… fair enough. Better than the puzzle-solving.

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