Актер фильма «терминатор: да придёт спаситель» кристиан бейл

Every christian bale movie performance, ranked

Личная жизнь Кристиана Бейла

Кристиан – один из немногочисленных актеров, для которых семья стоит превыше всего и который не любит афишировать свою личную жизнь. Бейл говорит, что не хочет знать ничего о жизни других актеров, и, в свою очередь, не хочет, чтобы знали лишнее о нем.

Кристиан Бэйл и Сиби Блезир

В январе 2000 года Бейл женился на независимом продюсере короткометражек и бывшей модели Сиби Блезир. Их познакомила Вайнона Райдер, у которой Сиби была некоторое время агентом. Молодожены сначала жили в Эдинбурге, а в 2002 году переехали в собственный дом в Лос-Анджелесе. В 2005 году у супругов родилась дочь Эммелин, а в 2014-м – сын Джозеф.

Кристиан Бэйл с сыном

7. Empire of the Sun (1987)

Bale was 12 when Steven Spielberg cast him in the incredibly challenging role of Jim, the son of a wealthy British family who gets separated during World War II and ends up in a Japanese prison camp. Originally meant to be directed by David Lean, Empire of the Sun was taken over by Spielberg as an homage to Lean, and while those two filmmakers’ sensibilities and skills might not necessarily match up, it’s fun to see Spielberg taking a bigger, wider swing than he had before. Not all of it works, but Bale is essentially perfect, portraying both the innocence and the increasing alienation of his young hero. In many ways, the child-actor version of Bale feels very different than the grown-up, risk-taking Bale of adulthood. But you can see the overlap here. You can both see the actor he was, and the one he would become.

1.Batman/ Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight (2008)

From a young rookie hero to a jaded old crime fighter, Bale’s Batman/Bruce Wayne offers the finest arc of any superhero and indeed, one of the finest arcs of any film character period. As Batman, Bale is great. As Bruce Wayne he’s better. Whether he’s flushed with boyish charm in the first film, cynical and manipulative in the second, or exhausted and brittle in the third, Bale knows exactly what the role needs. It’s not a showy performance, just a solid, constantly grinding one that makes the role more than it has been in lesser hands. With that voice and those muscles his Batman, of course, is fantastic too. Proof – like his recent Thor 4 turn – that a good actor is a good actor, however flimsy the role may look on paper.

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3. The Fighter (2010)

Bale won his Oscar for playing Dicky Eklund, the coulda-been contender who watched his potential slip away as he sank deeper into addiction. This wasn’t the first time Bale lost a substantial amount of weight for a role, but his commitment to that physical transformation helped emphasize how much Eklund had literally wasted away, setting the stage for the bitter rivalry he has with his kid brother, Micky (Mark Wahlberg), who might find the glory in the ring that eluded him. There’s a lot of pain and sorrow in the performance, but also a lot of love as Eklund rallies to become Micky’s biggest champion, willing Micky to become the winner he himself never was.

2. The Dark Knight films (2005, 2008, 2012)

What right did an English actor have playing Bruce Wayne? Also, Heath Ledger and Christopher Nolan were the ones who made The Dark Knight a masterpiece. And, seriously, what was up with that growly Batman voice? Those and other complaints have been leveled at Christian Bale ever since he donned the cowl for Batman Begins, a movie that went a long way on his sensitive, intelligent portrayal of a spoiled, wayward Bruce who finally grows up (and fights crime). Before Bale, our Batmen were comics or hams — we’d never had a properly grounded Bruce Wayne — but the Dark Knight trilogy changed the world’s perception of the jet-setting playboy with all the cool gadgets. His villains were flamboyant, but Bruce was mournful, reluctant — no onscreen superhero has more palpably wrestled with not wanting to be a superhero. As for Ledger, as extraordinary as he is in The Dark Knight, it’s Bale’s Batman who provides that film’s final, crushing twist. For movies that made billions of dollars and have been endlessly debated online ever since, it’s very possible that the actor who played the title role still hasn’t been given his due.

Personal Life

Outside of acting, Bale prefers to keep his private life under wraps. However, allegations on July 22, 2008, thrust Bale into the spotlight. He was accused of assaulting his mother, Jenny, and sister, Sharon, who called the authorities. He was later released on lack of evidence.

That same month, it was reported that Bale had a meltdown on the set of Terminator Salvation. Audio of the outburst was later released and widely published. Hollywood figures such as Whoopi Goldberg and Ron Howard publicly defended his actions, but his reputation remained marred by the incident.

Bale has been married to Sibi Blazic, a former model and personal assistant, since 2000. The couple welcomed their first child together, daughter Emmeline, in 2005. In 2014, Bale and Blazic welcomed their second child, son Joseph.


  • Name: Christian
  • Birth Year: 1974
  • Birth date: January 30, 1974
  • Birth City: Pembrokeshire
  • Birth Country: United Kingdom
  • Gender: Male
  • Best Known For: Christian Bale is an award-winning actor who has starred in such films as ‘American Psycho,’ ‘The Fighter’ and Christopher Nolan’s ‘Batman’ trilogy.
  • Industries
    • Television
    • Drama
    • Action
  • Astrological Sign: Aquarius
  • Schools

    Bournemouth School

  • Nacionalities

    Welsh (Wales)


  • Article Title: Christian Bale Biography
  • Author: Biography.com Editors
  • Website Name: The Biography.com website
  • Url: https://www.biography.com/actors/christian-bale
  • Access Date:
  • Publisher: A&E; Television Networks
  • Last Updated: November 11, 2019
  • Original Published Date: April 2, 2014

25. Swing Kids (1993)

Probably the last of Bale’s “kid” roles, he’s Thomas, one of two best friends (along with Robert Sean Leonard’s Peter) who obsess over Benny Goodman and dance halls — until Nazi Germany takes over and the boys must choose their sides. Bale has the more interesting role as the youth who at first chooses Hitler out of expedience, but then becomes seduced by power and status. He’s a jagged edge that keeps the movie on its toes. Swing Kids is a bit silly, but you have to admire any actor who can stay in character when someone says to him, “You’re becoming a Nazi,” and he responds, screaming, “SO WHAT IF I AM?” The movie is very, very dated, but Bale’s performance isn’t.

15. Knight of Cups (2015)

Yes, it would be fair to call this Terrence Malick project “polarizing.” Which is to say: We might be the only people on the planet who like Knight of Cups. But we do like it, partly because Malick has a way of making anything feel epic and eternal (even the story of a morose screenwriter whose life is somehow miserable even though his main problem in life is having to choose between Cate Blanchett and Natalie Portman), and largely because of Bale, who finds a spiritual center to this sad sack of a character in spite of it all. This movie is so all over the place that Ben Kingsley is briefly a narrator even though he’s not in the film — Thomas Lennon’s report of how he ended up in the film is a must-read — but Bale, against impossible odds, gives it a weighted foundation around which all the madness spins. Ignore all the other stuff and just watch Bale. He’s consistent, even when nothing else in the film is.

«Американский психопат»

А еще до вступления в новое тысячелетие Кристиан удивил и поклонников и критиков еще одной неожиданной ролью, снявшись в философской драме «Американский психопат». Режиссер Мэри Херрон увидела в актере Патрика Бэйтмена – героя-психопата из романа Брета Истона Эллиса. Говорить об этом фильме практически бессмысленно – его нужно смотреть. Если вы, конечно, готовы пережить жестокое убийство Джареда Лето и гонки Бейла с бензопилой за невинными жертвами.

Крис тщательно готовился к этой роли – он поменял четыре передних зуба, избавился от английской улыбки и подкачался. После выхода провокационного фильма Кристин стал одним из самых востребованных актеров.

Кристиан Бэйл в картине «Эквилибриум»

Двухтысячные начались для Кристиана с мелодрамы «Выбор капитана Корелли» с Николасом Кейджем и Пенелопой Крус. Отдельно стоит выделить его актерскую работу в антиутопии «Эквилибриум» (2002), которая до сих пор является одной из любимых картин актера у его поклонников.

1. American Psycho (2000)

Has there ever been a better summary of the greatness of this performance than the fact that Ivanka Trump saw the film and said that Bale’s ? Bale understood what writer-director Mary Harron was doing from the get-go, agreeing to do the film because he thought it was hilarious, which was of course the intention all along. Bale’s Bateman is a monster, but more than anything, he’s the ultimate American monster: His sociopathy is the logical extension of a homicidal ethos of self-actualization, self-realization, and self-care. Bateman is Wall Street (and Main Street, really) greed and avarice taken to a nightmarish degree, and it says all you need to know about the film and Bale’s genius in it that he could murder countless people in horrifying ways and Ivanka Trump would find him impossibly sexy in it. And you know what? She’s sort of right. Bale’s fearlessness and total commitment found the perfect role and director here, and he’ll never match it. Few actors could. Now, if you’ll excuse him, he has to return some videotapes.

Grierson & Leitch write about the movies regularly and host a podcast on film. Follow them on or visit their site.

‘Little Women’

In 1994, Bale had a supporting role in the film adaptation of the Louisa May Alcott classic Little Women, starring Winona Ryder as Jo March. He played Ryder’s love interest, Theodore «Laurie» Laurence. Soon afterwards, Bale tackled another famous literary character—Edward Rosier, in Henry James’s The Portrait of a Lady (1996), directed by Jane Campion and starring Nicole Kidman.

Reunited with Branagh for A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1999), Bale had a more substantial role this time around. He played Demetrius, a young man in love with Hermia (Anna Friel), who does not return his affections and instead is in love with Lysander (Dominic West). In turn, Demetrius is loved by Helena (Calista Flockhart). Craziness ensues when the four venture into a forest inhabited by fairies.

‘The Dark Knight’

Bale and Ledger worked together again on the second installment of Nolan’s Batman saga, The Dark Knight (2008), an artistic tour de force that ultimately earned more than $1 billion globally. Yet the project was marred by tragedy, as Ledger died in January 2008, just before the film’s release. The two had become close during the making of the film and Bale was shocked by Ledger’s sudden passing. «It takes a long time to accept that someone’s gone, when all body and mind are telling you that this is somebody you will know for a great deal of time,» Bale said. «He was something of a kindred spirit to myself. … I hope in a small way that The Dark Knight can be a celebration of his work.»


In conclusion, Christian Bale is a versatile and talented actor who has left an indelible mark on the film industry. With a career spanning over three decades, he has portrayed a wide range of characters, from the iconic Batman to troubled individuals in intense dramas. Bale’s commitment to his craft is evident in his physical transformations and dedication to embodying each role with authenticity.

His impressive list of accolades, including Oscars, Golden Globes, and BAFTA awards, is a testament to his exceptional talent and the impact he has had on the acting world. Additionally, his ability to seamlessly shift between blockbuster hits and independent films showcases his versatility and willingness to take risks.

Christian Bale’s dedication to his craft, professionalism, and dynamic on-screen presence have solidified his status as one of the most accomplished actors of his generation.

29. Reign of Fire (2002)

“I’m kind of attracted by movies where there is a real possibility of it going badly wrong. There have been movies where other people have said to me ‘You’re nuts for doing this! Why would you risk doing this?’, and I’ve kind of realized that that’s what I enjoy.” Bale’s gonzo instincts were probably never more rewarded than with this dragon-themed action movie, set in a near future — 2020, in fact — where humanity battles winged, fire-breathing monsters for dominion over the planet. To use a highfalutin film-theory term, Reign of Fire is totally bonkers, and Bale and co-star Matthew McConaughey have a blast playing survivors waging war against the beasts. This movie is not good … but it doesn’t go badly wrong, either.

39. The Promise (2016)

An unfortunate spiritual twin to The Flowers of War, The Promise is another misjudged melodrama based on real-life tragedy. The Armenian genocide serves as the backdrop of this drab romantic triangle between an Armenian pharmacist (Oscar Isaac), a gutsy American journalist (Bale), and the beautiful Armenian woman (Charlotte Le Bon) they both love. Terry George’s romantic drama never really takes off, and the depiction of the gathering Turkish threat possesses little sting. Even worse, this is one of Bale’s dutifully righteous performances, full of dull fire. Like the rest of The Promise, he succumbs to an excess of worthiness.

4. The Big Short (2015)

Michael Burry was a hedge-fund manager who saw the truth before anyone: The housing market was about to collapse due to risky subprime loans. What Burry did in response is just one aspect of Adam McKay’s very entertaining multi-narrative drama, which could be seen as the origin story of the Great Recession. A prickly, antisocial loner who loved numbers and heavy metal, Burry is brought to vivid, sympathetic light by Bale, who sees him as an isolated genius destined to be smarter than all those around him — and for that knowledge not to give him a lot of comfort. The performance is a bit tic-y, but Bale makes him such a ferociously smart person that you get swept up in his feverish intensity. Other elements of The Big Short are funnier, but Bale is perhaps the film’s most soulful individual.

38. The Secret Agent (1996)

Bale has never been opposed to playing a character with some sort of affliction, and he got some early swings at it in this dead-on-arrival Joseph Conrad adaptation about an 1890s Londoner (Bob Hoskins) who gets involved in all sorts of accidental spy craft, with tragic consequences. Bale plays the son of a woman (Patricia Arquette) who finds herself stuck with many unfortunate people, and it’s early enough in Bale’s career where you can understand why he’d think it was a good call to play a kid with “mental retardation” in a movie with Bob Hoskins, Gerard Depardieu, and Robin Williams. It wasn’t.

23. Out of the Furnace (2013)

This gritty Rust Belt revenge thriller finds Bale playing Russell, a very flawed man and convicted felon, who goes looking for his missing brother, Rodney (Casey Affleck), fearing that the Iraq War veteran and underground boxer may have been killed. Out of the Furnace overdoes the self-seriousness — it’s a movie about the neglected working class, man — but Bale is strong as someone with nothing but regrets. These sorts of portraits of tortured, thwarted masculinity are what he was put on Earth to do, and while it’s unsurprising that he’s great in the role, it also, well, doesn’t allow for a lot of surprises.

Вершина карьеры

Однако после такого коммерческого успеха Кристиан не стал разменивать себя на проекты-однодневки, а, как и прежде, внимательно изучал предлагаемые ему сценарии. Важнее для него всегда было имя режиссера – того, кто стоял во главе всего фильма. Поэтому в следующие годы он успел посотрудничать и с Терренсом Маликом («Новый Свет»), и с Джеймсом Мэнголдом («Престиж»), и снова с Кристофером Ноланом («Темный рыцарь»).

Кристиан Бэйл, Хит Леджер и Кристофер Нолан на съемках фильма «Темный рыцарь»

Спустя три года после перевоплощения в человека-летучую мышь, Кристиан снова надел костюм Бэтмэна для фильма «Темный рыцарь», где его спаситель Готэм-сити столкнулся в борьбе с харизматичным царем хаоса Джокера (легендарная роль Хита Леджера). В 2009 году актер согласился сыграть в продолжении истории Джона Коннора в боевике «Терминатор 4: Будущее начинается», в которой позднее разочаровался. Более удачной в том году была его роль в гангстерской саге «Джонни Д.», где он сыграл полицейского, охотящегося за самим Джонни Диллинджером (Джонни Депп).

Кристиан Бэйл в гангстерской саге «Джонни Д.»

2010 год наконец принес талантливому и разноплановому актеру «Оскар» – за роль в спортивной драме «Боец», где он сыграл бывшего боксера-наркомана. С этого момента началось его сотрудничество с режиссером-реалистом Дэвидом О. Расселом, у которого Бейл позднее снялся в «Афере по-американски» (2014). Последние годы актер играл в исключительно успешных и качественных картинах, например, в «Игре на понижение» (2015) об экономическом кризисе 2008 года, где партнерами Бейла стали Райан Гослинг и Брэд Питт.

Кристиан Бэйл за роль бывшего боксера-наркомана получил «Оскар»

2. Patrick Bateman in American Psycho (2000)

Without Mary Harron’s turn of the millennium exploration of corporate greed, toxic masculinity and man’s innate utter barbarity as expressed through the eyes of a corporate trader, we wouldn’t have films like The Wolf of Wall Street and we certainly wouldn’t have Nolan’s Batman trilogy. It’s Bale’s performance that nails it. Whether he’s half-naked, chasing a sex worker with a chainsaw, or swinging an axe to Huey Lewis and the News, Patrick Bateman straddles the line between dryly amused and maniacal. All of it, of course, comes from a place of being dead inside. Narcissistic, delusional, and possibly murderous, Bale makes Bateman perhaps the best antihero in cinema. A breakout role, and one that few actors will ever beat.

Актерская карьера

Первыми ролями мальчика стали небольшие съемки в рекламе Lenor и хлопьев на завтрак в 1983 году. Через его пригласили сыграть в спектакле «Ботаник», где 10-летний мальчик оказался на одной сцене с Роуэном Аткинсоном. В 1986-м году Криса позвали на телевидение в драму «Анастасия. Загадка Анны».

Кристиан Бейл в юности

Спустя год Кристиан дебютировал и в полнометражном кино – он сыграл в советско-скандинавской картине «Мио, мой Мио» по мотивам детской сказки Астрид Линдгрен.

Тогда Бейл уже привлек внимание самого Стивена Спилберга и вытянул свой счастливый билет – в 1987 году он исполнил главную роль в

военно-исторической драме «Империя Солнца». Спилберга из 4000 претендентов на роль привлек именно Кристиан – своей взрослостью и отсутствием страха перед осуждением зрителей. Его герой – мальчик из семьи дипломата, оказавшийся в японском плену после оккупации Шанхая, – привлекал своей «реальностью» и развитием характера.

Стивен Спилберг и Кристиан Бейл на съемках фильма «Империя Солнца»

Пронзительная и жизненная картина о судьбах простых людей во время Второй мировой тронула вдумчивых зрителей, а на плечи 13-летнего Кристиана легло бремя такой славы, что он даже едва не ушел из кино. За роль Джима молодой актер вполне заслуженно получил награду Национального совета кинокритиков США как «Выдающийся молодой актер».

Кристиан Бэйл в роли Джима Хокинса («Остров сокровищ»)

После непродолжительного отдыха от славы Крис вернулся на экраны в 1989 году в экранизации «Генрих V» Кеннета Браны и сыграл Джима Хокинса в телефильме «Остров сокровищ».

Кадр из мюзикла «Продавцы новостей»

В 1992 году начался новый этап в его становлении как актера – Кристиану стали доверять «взрослые» роли. Первую роль подобного план он исполнил в мюзикле «Продавцы новостей», который провалился в прокате, однако принес Бейлу признание в среде кинематографистов.

Кристиан Бэйл в драме «Дети свинга»

Не только свое умение танцевать, но и драматический талант Кристиан Бейл продемонстрировал в драме «Дети свинга» 1993 года, где с Робертом Шоном Леонардом сыграл немецкого парня, увлеченного запрещенным свингом в нацистской Германии.


В следующем году последовала небольшая, но запоминающаяся роль в семейном фильме «Маленькие женщины», где Бейл сыграл возлюбленного героини Вайноны Райдер. Он никогда не боялся пробовать себя в разных жанрах и ролях – в 90-х он снялся в комедии «Метролэнд», экранизации Генри Джеймса «Портрет леди» с Николь Кидман и шекспировской комедии «Сон в летнюю ночь». Особо стоит выделить его роль в музыкальной драме о глэм-роке 70-х Тодда Хейнса «Бархатная золотая жила», где Бейл предстал в неожиданном для себя амплуа – журналиста, увлеченного другим мужчиной.

32. Harsh Times (2005)

Later in his career, David Ayer would become the alpha-male these-hard-streets director of End of Watch and Fury, along with the big-budget what-happened-here? director of Suicide Squad and Bright. But his first film as a director was the Very Male and Very Dramatic story of a former U.S. Ranger (Bale) who ends up getting caught up in the drug trade while dealing with his own post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s a lean, muscular performance in a film that maybe has a little bit too much going on, and Bale’s the best, most honest thing about it. But it still feels like a rough draft for just about everyone involved.

Bale’s versatility and commitment to his craft continue to make him one of the most respected actors in the industry.

Christian Bale’s unwavering dedication, combined with his remarkable versatility, solidify his standing as one of the most respected actors in the film industry.

Christian Bale’s career is an illustrious journey filled with captivating performances, physical transformations, and extraordinary dedication to his craft. His talent and versatility have earned him numerous accolades and established him as one of the greatest actors of his generation. From his iconic portrayal of Batman in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy to his stunning transformations in films like The Machinist and Vice, Bale consistently delivers exceptional performances that leave a lasting impact on audiences. Despite his success, he remains fiercely private and focuses on his craft, immersing himself in his characters and pushing his limits to bring them to life. With a Hollywood Walk of Fame star and multiple award nominations to his name, Christian Bale continues to redefine the boundaries of acting and inspire aspiring actors worldwide.

With these 46 facts about Christian Bale, it’s evident that his career is marked by incredible dedication, versatility, and tremendous talent. Whether he’s playing a superhero, a historical figure, or a complex character, Bale’s performances reveal a depth and authenticity that captivates audiences. As he continues to take on new projects and challenge himself as an actor, one thing is for certain: Christian Bale’s legacy in the film industry is one that will be celebrated for years to come.

16. The Pale Blue Eye (2023)

This dark (but oddly conventional) historical-fictional drama switches up the usual Bale dynamic: He plays straight man Augustus Landor, a brilliant detective called upon to solve a murder at West Point, who teams up with, of all people, Edgar Allan Poe, a cadet at the school. Harry Melling is all quirks and elaborate line readings as Poe, and he’s fine, but he doesn’t leave much scenery for Bale to chew. Instead, Bale portrays Landor as a tortured, grieving widower with a secret in his past. It’s a good performance and another sign of how he never sleepwalks through anything. But it still might not have been worth his time.

40. The Flowers of War (2011)

If you only see one film about the 1937 Nanking Massacre, make it Lu Chuan’s harrowing City of Life and Death, which depicts that atrocity in apocalyptically bleak terms. Unfortunately, Bale was in the other movie, a strained attempt at spectacle by House of Flying Daggers director Zhang Yimou. The actor plays an American mortician caught in the middle of the conflict, trying to help a group of young women (including some prostitutes) escape the Japanese onslaught. The Flowers of War cheapens this story with a trite tale of noble heroism, and Bale’s sincerity doesn’t do much to enliven this well-intentioned dud.

13. 3:10 to Yuma (2007)

A wonderfully manly man showdown between tough-guy actors, this remake casts Russell Crowe as a charming outlaw who will be transported by Bale’s beleaguered Civil War vet to the titular train, which will take him to his trial. As one might imagine, things don’t go smoothly, and much of the pleasure of 3:10 to Yuma comes from the back-and-forth posturing of these two characters: one, funny and pure evil; the other, honorable but troubled. Crowe has the showier part, but Bale imbues the movie with a sense of what it means to be heroic in trying circumstances — he’s not just fighting to bring this man to justice but also to redeem himself. This gripping, no-nonsense Western needs Bale’s steady hand, and he delivers with a performance that is surprisingly moving and rousing.

14. Rescue Dawn (2006)

Pair filmmaker Werner Herzog (an artist known for his bleak view of humanity) and actor Christian Bale (an artist willing to put his body through physical ordeals in service of a dramatic story), and you’d expect a movie that isn’t for the faint of heart. And while Rescue Dawn is certainly harrowing — a drama about real-life pilot Dieter Dengler, who was captured by the enemy during the Vietnam War and then fought his way to freedom — this ends up being one of the most crowd-pleasing films in either man’s oeuvre. Dengler endured endless torture and other miseries — escaping from prison was just the beginning of his ordeal in the jungle — but Bale plays him as a determined optimist, an indomitable spirit that cannot be crushed. A little underrated, Rescue Dawn is ripe for rediscovery.

Кристиан Бейл сейчас

В начале 2018 года на российские экраны вышла драма о событиях на Диком Западе «Недруги» с участием Кристиана Бейла, который сыграл там сурового капитана Блокера.

Сейчас актер принимает участие в озвучке мультфильма «Маугли» (его голосом будет говорить Багира), работает над байопиком о вице-президенте США Дике Чейни «Суфлер» и драме Джеймса Мэнголда «Расставание в голубом», где также снимается Питер Динклэйдж.

Кристиан Бэйл в картине «Суфлер»

Также в 2018 году Кристиан сыграл главную роль американского политика Дика Чейни в фильме «Власть». За эту работу Бейл удостоился номинации на Оскар. Помимо него в картине сыграли Эми Адамс и Сэм Рокуэлл.

12. Public Enemies (2009)

Christian Bale seems like the ideal Michael Mann actor: The Heat auteur often populates his movies with intense, brooding types. But to date, Public Enemies is their only collaboration, although it’s a really good one. As Melvin Purvis, the Fed assigned to take down John Dillinger (Johnny Depp), Bale is assigned the tricky task of playing a decidedly uncharismatic fellow. (The irony was that Dillinger, the criminal, was a beloved antihero, while the culture tended to view a guy like Purvis as the villain.) But that dynamic pays off: Bale gives us a law-and-order type who decides to push the boundaries of his authority in the name of capturing this bank robber. (At the time, Public Enemies definitely seemed to be commenting on America’s erosion of liberties in the wake of 9/11.) Bale’s startling as a good guy who’s in danger of going bad.

19. Newsies (1992)

Considering Newsies’ reputation today — and the massively successful Broadway show it inspired — you would think everyone loved it back in the day. But the film was a financial disaster, on par with Howard the Duck and Ishtar. (It actually got six Razzie nominations, and won Worst Original Song.) It’s sort of remarkable to think now, because, hey, the movie’s pretty good! And it has a good message for kids! And it has a lively, very-light-on-his-feet performance from Bale, who was only 17 when he made the film but carries it effortlessly. There’s an inherent troublemaking nature to him that can’t be repressed by the big Disney musical. And he can dance too. Can we see him dance like this again?

18. I’m Not There (2007)

Todd Haynes’s kaleidoscope of Bob Dylans — reflecting the legendary American singer-songwriter during different periods and personae — features Bale as a more straightforward representation. He’s Jack Rollins, the folkie-era Dylan who was honing his “voice of a generation” rep while penning protest tunes. The actor nails the musician’s mumbling, scrawny awkwardness, and then does a clever shift to Dylan’s born-again period. There’s soulfulness and wit in the performance, although that doesn’t change the fact that some of the other Dylans are more dynamic or moving. (Ironically, Bale’s future Batman co-star, Heath Ledger, makes a greater impact playing an actor who plays Jack Rollins in a biopic.)


По происхождению сам Кристиан (полное имя – Кристиан Чарльз Филип Бейл) называет себя англичанином, а родился он в Пембрукшире на западе Уэльса. Из-за профессии отца, который был коммерческим пилотом, семья Бейлов часто переезжала. В итоге они обосновались в США, в Калифорнии. Кристиан – младший ребенок в семье, у него есть три сестры.

Кристиан Бейл в детстве

За первые 15 лет своей жизни Кристиан поменял 15 городов и привык жить на чемоданах. По собственному признанию Бейла, это не стало для него травматичным опытом, наоборот, благодаря частым переездам в нем навсегда осталась страсть к переменам и ярким впечатлениям. Именно это впоследствии он нашел в актерстве.

Кристиан Бейл с родителями и сестрами

Почти все близкие родственники Кристиана так или иначе относились к творческим профессиям – его мама была цирковой артисткой, а дедушка был детским комедийным артистом. Кстати, одна из сестер Бейла впоследствии стала актрисой и режиссером, а другая – музыкантом.

9. The Prestige (2006)

Reuniting with Christopher Nolan after their success together on Batman Begins, Bale seemed to enjoy playing a character whose mixture of darkness and light was, this time, far more toward the former. The hypercompetitive magician Borden is locked in mortal combat with his nemesis, Angier (Hugh Jackman), and what remains fascinating about The Prestige is how devoted its cast and director are to depicting this rivalry between two utterly charmless protagonists. We mean that as a compliment: Rarely has a feud seemed so despicable and desperate, and Bale seems to goad his co-star to greater depths of pettiness, each character so obsessed with winning that nothing shall stand in their way. Snide and rocking a mammoth chip on his shoulder, Borden is a terrific son of a bitch, and to Bale’s credit, he never asks us to sympathize with the guy. No wonder this film — and these performances — have earned cult status. It’s wonderfully chilly.

35. Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)

Holy Moses, is this movie silly. Putting aside for a moment that Ridley Scott cast white actors to play Egyptians, Exodus: Gods and Kings is the sort of old-fashioned, corny, lavish biblical epic that has little room for error. (Otherwise, it’s all just laughable.) Bale does what he can in the role of Moses, the man who will lead his people to freedom, but as with several of the films down at the bottom of this list, Exodus mostly demonstrates that the actor’s penchant for boringly decent heroes is a major liability. When the character is as dynamic and complex as Batman, it works. But when it’s a drab Moses who comes across as a pale rewrite of Russell Crowe’s Gladiator character, it doesn’t.

5. American Hustle (2013)

David O. Russell’s Scorsese homage/ripoff/cosplay is, in many ways, an ode to actorly indulgence, with a whole cast of Big Name Actors, from Bradley Cooper to Jennifer Lawrence to Jeremy Renner to, uh, Louis C.K., playing everything as far over the top as they can. Sometimes that works, but more often it doesn’t; we’re still not entirely sure what Lawrence’s role in this movie is, other than a big lip-sync and dance sequence. Which is why it’s all the more remarkable how centered and focused Bale is. He has a bad toupee and a big gut and a gaudy ’70s and ’80s wardrobe, but it’s him, along with Amy Adams, who keeps pulling American Hustle back from its improvisational excesses and keeping it grounded in real, believable human behavior. The moment at the end, when he and Adams have a private conference to themselves, feels almost like a hideout from the rest of the film: There is calm with the two of them that isn’t there anywhere else.


1. When was Christian Bale born?

Christian Bale was born on January 30, 1974.

2. What is Christian Bale’s most famous role?

Christian Bale’s most famous role is arguably his portrayal of Batman in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight” trilogy.

3. Has Christian Bale won any awards for his performances?

Yes, Christian Bale has won multiple awards throughout his career, including an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in “The Fighter” (2010).

4. How does Christian Bale prepare for his roles?

Christian Bale is known for his extreme dedication to his roles, often undergoing drastic physical transformations and intense research to fully immerse himself in the characters he portrays.

5. What other notable films has Christian Bale appeared in?

Aside from his role as Batman in “The Dark Knight” trilogy, Christian Bale has appeared in films such as “American Psycho,” “The Prestige,” “American Hustle,” and “Vice,” among many others.

6. Is Christian Bale involved in any charitable organizations?

Christian Bale is an advocate for various charitable causes, including Greenpeace and environmental conservation efforts.

7. Has Christian Bale worked with any notable directors?

Yes, Christian Bale has collaborated with esteemed directors such as Christopher Nolan, David O. Russell, Terrence Malick, and Martin Scorsese.

8. Does Christian Bale have any upcoming projects?

As of now, Christian Bale has several projects in the works, including a portrayal of a villain in the upcoming Marvel film “Thor: Love and Thunder.”

9. How tall is Christian Bale?

Christian Bale is approximately 6 feet 0 inches tall.

10. What is Christian Bale’s nationality?

Christian Bale is of British nationality.

22. Hostiles (2017)

This story of an 1890s soldier (Bale) learning that the Native Americans he once despised are, in fact, people too, could have been obvious and overly self-righteous, and at times it is. But Bale gives a terrific lead performance as a man with passions and biases but also a basic human decency that he cannot deny. It’s probably too good a performance for the movie; it keeps finding truths that we’re not sure the movie is entirely interested in, and he has a lot of wordy dialogue to gnaw through in the screenplay. But Bale always gives you his all, even in a role a lot of leading men would sleep through. He does nothing halfway.

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